Learning for All


Transition planning

Effective transition planning for post-school life is a key component of quality programming for students with significant cognitive disabilities. How we do this planning is changing, influenced by inclusion, person-centred planning and a greater appreciation of the power of the collective community.

For a sample of the kinds of changes in practice observed by participants in the community of practice, click here.

Post school

Helping youth with disabilities make the transitions to adulthood successful should be a major driver of why we do what we do for so many years in school. Learn more…


Self-determination emerges across the life span as children and adolescents learn skills and develop attitudes that enable them to become casual agents in their own lives. These attitudes and abilities are the component elements of self-determination. How can we help develop self-determination skills for students with significant cognitive disabilities? Learn more…

Assistive technologies

No matter how simple or complex the transition, the new start always means that steps must be taken to ensure that what assistive technologies were working well for the student are continued and what wasn’t working well is re-examined and improved upon. Learn more…


Transition plans need to address the language and communication needs of the student, including roles and training needs of team members, subsequent steps in AAC system use, and follow-up after transition takes place. Learn more…


For a list of research articles, references and other information related to transition planning, click here.