“The severity of one’s disability does not determine their level of potential.
The greatest barriers that persons with disabilities have to overcome are not steps or curbs, it’s expectations.”
~ Karen Clay
Welcome to Learning for All
This resource offers information, strategies and references for school leaders and teachers working with students with significant cognitive disabilities. This content was collaboratively developed through Learning for All, a one-year community of practice (2014-2015) for district leaders and consultants.
Facilitated by Alberta Regional Professional Learning Consortia (through the Edmonton Regional Learning Consortium), with support from Alberta Education, 30 district leaders and consultants from across the province came together for one year to develop a deeper understanding of how to create more meaningful and effective learning opportunities for students with significant cognitive disabilities.
Through two face-to-face workshops, four interactive webinars, and an online sharing space, participants generated information as they created shared understandings, reflected on research, built new knowledge, asked questions, identified resources, and brainstormed ideas. This information collected throughout the year is available to all educators in Alberta, through this curated online resource.
The content in this resource is organized around four key themes that emerged from the work of the community of practice:
- Instructional Planning
- Peer Supports
- Rethinking Educational Assistants
- Transition Planning (with a focus on post school, self-determination, assistive technologies, and communication)
Who are students with significant cognitive disabilities? Learn more…